The show was briefly revived in syndication by Four Star Television on January 26, 1970 with Wink Martindale as host and featured Morey Amsterdam as Executive Producer and a regular panelist, but this incarnation lasted just eight months. In this version, one celebrity (such as Dick Gautier, Louie Nye and Richard Dawson) reads jokes submitted by viewers, while a group of panelists (such as Amsterdam, Red Buttons, Paul Winchell and Jack Carter) try to top the viewer's jokes with their own version on the same subject. The viewer would earn $25 for having the joke read by the guest, an additional $25 for each panelist that was unable to top the viewer's joke, and $100 and a nice prize (such as an Ampex audio cassette player) if he/she topped all three panelists.[13] The 1970 version was recorded at CBS Television City in Hollywood, California. Studios 31, 33, 41 and 43 were used at different times making it one of the few game shows to tape in all four studios at CBS.[14]
With your child, make up a story for the two of you to tell together, taking turns saying one sentence at a time. Begin by deciding on a topic, such as pirates.
Say the first sentence: "Once upon a time a pirate lived in . . ."
Continue taking turns with your child making up and telling parts of the story until you decide to end it—maybe after eight or ten sentences.
Can you top this story
Read with your child. Take turns, with you reading one page or paragraph and your child reading the next. You might also read the parts of different characters in a story. Be enthusiastic about reading. Read the story with expression. Make it more interesting by talking as the characters would talk, making sound effects and using facial expressions and gestures. Encourage your child to do the same.
Together with your child, fill one ice cube tray to the top with water. Fill the other tray only half full. Put both trays in the freezer. Have your child record the time. Tell her to watch the clock and check every 30 minutes or so to see if the water in each tray has frozen (if not, wait until it has frozen). Ask your child to write down how long it took the water in each tray to freeze.
Ask her which amount of water froze faster? Invite her to explain why she thinks this happened.
This article is part of the on-going 15 example series where 15 examples will be provided for a specific command or functionality. In this series, earlier we discussed about find command, crontab examples, grep command, history command, ping command, and wget examples.
Here at Torque News we almost never say anything bad about a car unless forced to by circumstance. We are huge fans of the new 2015 Lexus NX 200t premium crossover. We have driven the vehicle, and we think it will be a smashing sales success for Lexus. That said, this SEMA show car that Lexus commissioned seems to miss the entire character of the car, and the color makes our eyes hurt.
*Available only on iPhone and iPod touch in the U.S. Following On your iPhone, the Following tab shows all of the topics and channels that you follow, and suggestions from Siri based on what you read. Here, you can also see your reading history, access your previously saved stories, and see all of your Favorites. On your iPad or Mac, all of these options appear in the sidebar.
On your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, tap or click the Save button at the top of the screen to save the story for later. You can find your saved stories in the Following tab on your iPhone or in the sidebar on your iPad or Mac.
According to one survey, 80% of American viewers think Brian Williams should lose his anchor seat for repeating, and gradually enhancing, a self-aggrandizing war story. Is this a case of false memory, or did Williams know what he was doing?
The same question can be asked of Hillary Clinton. Was her campaign story about scurrying across a Bosnian tarmac under sniper fire spun from whole cloth to win votes, or was that the way she actually remembered the incident? Confronted with video footage showing her striding confidently with a smile on her face and a song in her heart, Clinton immediately backed away from her dramatic account.
Ketchikan, Alaska - If you put two Alaskans in a room together, it is only a matter of seconds before they start playing "can you top this" with travel horror stories. Unlike our "Outside" cousins, we collect plane and boat trip horror stories pretty much from birth. And they are always good ones.
We save our tallest story telling efforts trying to describe the number of times we thought we were going to die on a plane flight, or that we thought we were going to regurgitate our lunches crossing Dixon Entrance.
Bouvard et Pécuchet is not only a great satire on the intellectual scene of nineteenth-century France but a permanently true tragicomedy of all human education. The two clerks take up agriculture, landscape gardening, antique collecting, archaeology, history, literature; they suffer existentialist despair and religious conversion, then have doubts; they become educationalists. Everything falls to pieces in their hands, and at last they return to their true métier of copying documents, where alone they will find happiness. Flaubert is mocking himself and by implication anyone who strays from his own little corner of expertise. Yet the clerks, absurd and clumsy figures like Laurel and Hardy moving a piano, are wholly heroic in their quest for enlightenment.
Another seemingly innocuous interview question, this is actually a perfect opportunity to stand out and show your passion for and connection to the company. For example, if you found out about the gig through a friend or professional contact, name-drop that person, then share why you were so excited about the job. If you discovered the company through an event or article, share that. Even if you found the listing through a random job board, share what, specifically, caught your eye about the role.
The number one rule of answering this question is: Figure out your salary requirements ahead of time. Do your research on what similar roles pay by using sites like PayScale and reaching out to your network. Be sure to take your experience, education, skills, and personal needs into account, too! From there, Muse career coach Jennifer Fink suggests choosing from one of three strategies:
Mark Ginocchio is a professional writer and editor living in Brooklyn, NY. He's been collecting Amazing Spider-Man comic books since the late-1980s and launched Chasing Amazing in 2011 as a way to tell his story about Spider-Man, comics, collecting and everything else in-between. You also find Mark's writing at Comics Should Be Good at Comic Book Resources, and Longbox Graveyard. Follow him on Twitter for comic book chat @ChasingASMBlog.View all posts by: Mark Ginocchio
Mark Ginocchio is a professional writer and editor living in Brooklyn, NY. He's been collecting Amazing Spider-Man comic books since the late-1980s and launched Chasing Amazing in 2011 as a way to tell his story about Spider-Man, comics, collecting and everything else in-between.
TWO - Once your stories go above 50 viewers, then a new ranking system kicks in, based on likes, DMs, comments, etc. However, this system is also based on page and story views, so if there is someone (maybe an ex?) who never likes or comments on any of your posts, but always seems to be up near the top of the viewer's rankings, then they are regularly checking in on your Instagram life.
However, this won't help you with the folks in your life who go one step further and have found a way to look at your InstaStory without even giving you the view, which the video below shows you how to do...
You can quickly glance at your feed by hovering your mouse on the weather icon. To turn this feature off, right-click a blank space on the taskbar, select News and interests and select Open on hover to clear the box.
To hide stories from a specific source, select More options (...) on a new story and choose Hide stories from... You can also select the Close button (X) to remove the article and choose either Not interested in this story or another option. To manage your hidden publishers, select Settings then select Manage interests > Hidden Sources in the left navigation.
If you own what is officially known as an A-shirt or an A-style tank top, you probably call it by a different name. This type of shirt is much more commonly referred to as a wife beater shirt, a wife beater tank top, or simply a wife beater. While today that term may be politically incorrect, there is a very interesting history behind the naming of this shirt. Here, we will discuss why it is called a wife beater and how it has evolved as a fashion garment over the years.
The fact is, there is not a single, agreed-upon story as to why these A-style tank tops are known as wife beater tank tops. There are several stories though about the origins of where the term comes from that span from the medieval times to the 1990s. While each story is slightly different about the exact origins, the idea behind all of them is the same. Over the years, this shirt has become a shorthand symbol in pop culture of drunken, slovenly men who either beat their wives or look like they do. And, while domestic violence is a serious issue, this name for the shirts is referring to a despicable class of men, not condoning what they may do.
Harriette Merrifield Forbes was born in Worcester in 1856, the daughter of William T. Merrifield and Maria Caroline Brigham, his second wife. Her father was a founder of the Worcester County Horticultural Society so he registered Harriette and her sister, Maria, as lifetime members in 1859. Harriette lived until she was 95. We believe she holds the record for the Society's longest membership so we celebrated that fact in an exhibit, Can you top this? Harriette Merrified Forbes (1856-1951) -- author, artist, gardener -- and a WCHS member for 92 years. The exhibit was on display in the library in the fall of 2016. 2ff7e9595c